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Proven SaaS Marketing Strategies That Scale your Business

SaaS Marketing is challenging as compared to product marketing, as SaaS products are
intangible. SaaS companies need to primarily build audience so as to scale their business and get new customers.


Convincing customers to integrate your SaaS services into their day-to-day operations is quite difficult. Which is why, every SaaS development company needs to know proven SaaS marketing strategies that will scale the business. SaaS marketing without any strategy is fruitless, as proper strategies will help you sustain customers for a longer period of time. Let’s see what the best SaaS marketing strategies are for 2019:

1. Know the industry you’re serving

SaaS companies need to know who they’re dealing with and which industry they want to reach with their SaaS marketing.

Create buyer personas based on gender, age, location, job title, industry type, problems
occurring, purchase behavior and so on. Such segmentation will further allow you to direct your marketing efforts in proper direction.

2. Where does true profitability lie?

Is your SaaS marketing strategy really profitable? Are you spending too much on customer
acquisition than what’s required? Will this spending pay off in the long run?

Understand whether your CAC is leading to profitability or not; this will also help you
understand how the churn rate affects your CLV.

3. Reap maximum benefits out of Free Trials

Offer free trials for your SaaS product to stay ahead of the competition and boost customer
acquisition. If users get familiar with your product and carry out tasks easily, they are most likely to convert into a customer. Free trails are one of the most influential SaaS marketing tool.

4. Offer Limited Plans

Too many choices can confuse the users and they might end up abandoning their purchase. Offer 2 to 3 variants of products and mention all the features, benefits of the plans clearly with their respective prices. This will help users to make quicker decisions as per their needs.

5. Easy Sign-Up is a Must

If you want customers to try out your SaaS product, the sign-up process needs to be really
simple. For instance, asking for credit card details to sign-up for a free trial is going to tick off customers. So, offer hassle-free sign-ups that include just two or three steps for completion.

6. Deliver Personalized Experience

Amazing customer experience only comes by providing a service that is personalized for each user. Personalized emails as soon as a user signs up, providing live chat option on your site and sending emails when you notice that a prospect is slipping away- all of these are an essential part of enhanced customer experience.

7. Offer Discounts Periodically

Offer discounts on long-term SaaS plans in order to drive more conversions. Lure customers by highlighting cost-savings of each plan, this will instigate them to grab the deal.

8. Highlight Trust Signals

Let your satisfied customers do the selling for you! Strategically highlight reviews of happy customers on different pages of your site, and display reputed company names that use your product. You can also include Spam guarantee, BBB membership symbols, TRUSTe certificate, Money-back guarantee, etc. on your site to build customer trust.

9. Influential Content

  • SEO-optimized blogs that resolve the problems/queries of your customers are a perfect way to build solid relationships and scale business.
  • Other than that, PR campaigns can also help you build links that refer back to your site.
  • Visual content such as infographics that are informative as well as engaging will help drive engagements. High-quality podcasts are also quite influential to build customer base.


Implement these few effective SaaS marketing strategies to drive lead generation and boost customer acquisition for your business. Apart from these, some powerful SaaS marketing strategies are partnering with influencers, SaaS email marketing to send valuable content to recipients, offering product integration, providing solid contact support and investing in PPC.